Chakravarthy Ashokar, Colors Tamil Drama Serial Watch Online

Chakravarthy Ashokar
Family Drama,
Release date:
21 April 2018
20.97 minutes
27 as of 5th September 2018
Contiloe Entertainment
Prasad Gavandi
Mohit Raina as Ashoka , Pallavi Subhash as Dharma , Kajol Srivastava as Devi , Manoj Joshi as Chanakya , Ankit Arora as Sushim.

About Drama Serial Chakravarthy Ashokar

Family Drama, Colors Tamil

Chakravarthy Ashokar is an Indian Drama Serial that was first premiered on Colors Tamil channel on 21 April 2018. Its Latest Episode was broadcast on 5 Sep 2018 at Colors Tamil channel and was of 20.97 minutes duration.Drama Serial is production of Contiloe Entertainment and is directed by Prasad Gavandi . You can watch All Episodes of Chakravarthy Ashokar Colors Tamil Today Episode here in best quality. The serial portrays the life and love story of Ashoka’s parents Dharma and Bindusara. Bindusara is the present king of Magadh, while his step-mother plans against him. Bindusarawas attacked by Helena’s men but rescued by a beautiful and bold Brahmin girl named Subhadrangi/Dharma. Impressed by her skills, Bindusara falls in love and marries her.

The serial portrays the life and love story of Ashoka’s parents Dharma and Bindusara. Bindusara is the present king of Magadh, while his step-mother plans against him. Bindusarawas attacked by Helena’s men but rescued by a beautiful and bold Brahmin girl named Subhadrangi/Dharma. Impressed by her skills, Bindusara falls in love and marries her.
